
Adrian Grey began his bodybuilding career in 2013. He has now become one of the most recognised natural bodybuilders in the United Kingdom, and has also competed worldwide.  He is often complemented on his posing ability, which has allowed him to stand out from the crowd in competitions.

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Due to Adrian being able to show how gifted he is within the bodybuilding sport he was able to achieve his first British Championship Pro Card in 2015. This provided him with the opportunity to compete at the World Championships to represent his country and placed top 3, which was a massive honour to him. Recognising that you need to allow yourself the time to improve he had time away from the stage and returned to the stage to win his Second Pro Card in 2018. One was acquired within a natural bodybuilding federation and the other within an untested bodybuilding federation.

Adrian’s confidence within the sport has allowed him to remain a natural athlete and still feel equal to all other competitors, embracing the differences. He has had the opportunity to compete in a variety of shows in his career and has always placed within the top 3 of any class. He has also had the pleasure of holding the title of Mr Staffordshire in 2015 and Mr Birmingham in 2016 in regional shows in the United Kingdom.

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With the combination of Adrian’s art of posing and his profession as a Secondary Education Teacher, he felt that he was able to offer support to enable competitors to achieve their best potential. Teaching is a true passion and therefore the ability to support others comes naturally.

Using the ideology from his day to day work he finds the appropriate learning style for each client to explain the posing positions as well as build their confidence and stage presence. Adrian helps people from all over the United Kingdom offering either one to one sessions or online sessions. The posing is the finishing touch to bring all of the hard work and effort that a competitor has worked hard on. By having the eloquent transitions and poses it will make a great experience and hopefully make the competitor want to do it again.